Magical Night of Worship at Carnivore Grounds In a mesmerizing live worship event held at the Carnivore Grounds, music enthusiasts and worshipers alike were treated to an unforgettable night of soul-stirring melodies and uplifting performances. The atmosphere was charged with spiritual energy as renowned artists such as Pitson, Alice Kimanzi, DJ Krowbar, DJ Mzitor, Timeless...
Nviiri The Storyteller’s Album Launch Extravaganza In a sensational musical spectacle that took place in July of this year, East Africa witnessed the grand unveiling of Nviiri The Storyteller’s highly anticipated album, “Inside Out.” The event, graced by East Africa’s finest hype man and DJs Gudah Man, DJ Carian, and the talented DJ Allybi from...
Twakutukuza Worship Experience 2023 In 2009, cancer survivor Doris Mayoli embarked on a mission to provide comprehensive support to those diagnosed with cancer through the establishment of Twakutukuza Trust. The Swahili phrase “Twakutukuza” translates to ‘We exalt You!,’ reflecting the organization’s commitment to uplifting individuals facing the challenges of cancer. The annual Twakutukuza Worship Experience...